Kelly L. O’Donnell


I am interested in the evolutionary ecology of invasive plant species. I am specifically fascinated by the roles that natural selection and phenotypic plasticity play in the aggressive expansion of introduced species outside of their native ranges. I have worked with Polygonum  spp., Fallopia japonica (Japanese knotweed), and Lythrum salicaria (Purple Loosetrife).


Research Interests

Quick Info


PhD, Ecology and Evolution, Stony Brook University 2010

BS, Biology,                    Cornell University 2004

Contact Info:

gmail: klodonnell

Useful Links


I have been involved in some form of teaching since I was an undergraduate TAing an introductory biology course. I have experience teaching general biology, plant ecology and evolution, the scientific method, and critical thinking in science. I believe that introductory science courses should move towards more inquiry-based learning. I have helped to redesign and implement a courses that does just that at Stony Brook University. I find it particularly rewarding to develop activities that immerse a student in an idea or a research topic and have them learn about it by asking questions, discussing with peers, and designing experiments.

Teaching Interests